
Rolla Foundation

I am very happy to announce this new exhibition in the beautiful setting of the Rolla Foundation in Bruzella. I am honored to participate in this group show with one of my works recently acquired by the Rolla Foundation.I will be together with great international and local names in photography, some mentors, some legends and some friends. I hope you have a chance to visit the exhibition and appreciate the works on display.

Opening Saturday 8 June from 11 AM to 6 PM

Free Entry
Sa 8/6 from 11 AM to 6 PM
Su 9/6 from 2 PM to 6 PM
Every second Sunday of the month from 2 PM to 6 PM
and always by appointment

Kindergarten la Stráda Végia (ex via Municipio), 6837 Bruzella Switzerland 


Trapa Natans – Agrum Nostrum

Igor Ponti è felice di annunciare la presentazione del suo nuovo libro fotografico, Trapa Natans - Agrum Nostrum, Fontana Edizioni. La prima presentazione sarà il 6 dicembre 2023 alle ore 18:30 presso la libreria Artphilein Editions, Viale S. Salvatore 2, 6900 Paradiso.


Igor Ponti is pleased to announce the presentation of his new photographic book, Trapa Natans - Agrum Nostrum, published by Fontana Edizioni. The first presentation will take place on December 6, 2023, at 6:30 PM at the Artphilein Editions bookstore, Viale S. Salvatore 2, 6900 Paradiso.


Near Talk at Biennale Immagine Chiasso

Igor Ponti is invited to the talk organized by Near, the Swiss association for contemporary photography, to discuss his new project South of no North. The talk will be moderated by the critic Elisa Rusca and the artist's Aline d'Aauria, Gian Paolo Minelli and Salvatore Vitale will also be present. The talk is organized in collaboration with the Cons Arc Gallery.

Tuesday, October 29

6.30 pm

Via Gruetli 1
6830 Chiasso


South of no North Solo show

I’m very happy to announce my upcoming solo show at the Galleria Ramo in the wonderful city of Como.

South of no North
Igor Ponti
14.09.2019 - 03.11.2019

Galleria Ramo
Via Natta 31,
22100 Como


Upcoming exhibition

I am delighted to announce a new upcoming exhibition.

Ponts & Signes
La Villa Moyard, Morges, Switzerland
2st April - 8 MaY, 2015

Saturday, 2 April, 2016


Exhibition extended

I am delighted to announce that the exhibition Looking for Identity has been extended until August 28.


Book signing

On the occasion of the Swiss National Day, Saturday, August 1th is arranged a special opening at the gallery with brunch and book signing of "Looking for Identity".
It will also be the opportunity to visit the current exhibition.


Personal Exhibition

Looking for Identity
Cons Arc Gallery, Chiasso, Switzerland
1st June - 31 July, 2015

Sunday, 31 May, 2015


Book presentation

Looking for Identity
19 February
Metronom Gallery, Modena, Italy
In collaboration with Yet Magazine and Metronom Gallery
