New publication archi magazine

A series of images, created in collaboration with the architect Stefano Moor, has been published in the sixth issue of the Swiss architecture magazine Archi.


Non-Gasoline Stations

One image from the series South of no North is featured in a new group photo book edited by Artphilein Editions. Each image chosen for this publication by the artists interviewed makes up a mosaic, the unifying link of which is given by the common atmosphere of suspended time, of transience, of fading.


Interview by UNDRSTND

New interview published by UNDRSTND about Igor Ponti works and creative process, landscape, painting and mentally record.




New book, Foce

I am very proud to announce the publication of my latest project, Foce.

With the written contributions of Giovanna Masoni Brenni, Gian Franco Ragno and Oliver Scharpf.

The book is published by Fontana Edizioni.
