
Rolla Foundation

I am very happy to announce this new exhibition in the beautiful setting of the Rolla Foundation in Bruzella. I am honored to participate in this group show with one of my works recently acquired by the Rolla Foundation.I will be together with great international and local names in photography, some mentors, some legends and some friends. I hope you have a chance to visit the exhibition and appreciate the works on display.

Opening Saturday 8 June from 11 AM to 6 PM

Free Entry
Sa 8/6 from 11 AM to 6 PM
Su 9/6 from 2 PM to 6 PM
Every second Sunday of the month from 2 PM to 6 PM
and always by appointment

Kindergarten la Stráda Végia (ex via Municipio), 6837 Bruzella Switzerland 


Cult +

Pubblicato servizio televisivo Cult+ sul progetto Trapa Natans - Agrum Nostrum


Trapa Natans – Agrum Nostrum

Nuova presentazione del libro Trapa Natans - Agrum Nostrum presso il Comune di Sorengo il 21 dicembre 2023 alle 18.30. La presentazione avrà luogo alla Sala CIC - Centro Incontri Cortivallo Via al Laghetto 5, Sorengo.


New presentation of the book "Trapa Natans - Agrum Nostrum" at the Municipality of Sorengo on December 21, 2023, at 6:30 PM. The presentation will take place at the CIC Hall - Centro Incontri Cortivallo, Via al Laghetto 5, Sorengo.


Photo Talk Insolite Geografie

Igor Ponti is pleased to participate in the Agorateca Incontri in collaboration with Choisi bookshop and Artphilein Editions.


New Book Geografia del Tempo

In 2020 Igor Ponti collaborated with a Foundation for the disabled, Fondazione Diamante, to document a district of the City of Lugano where one of the Foundation's laboratories is located. The result is a new publication that documents the changes in the micro-territory of an urban neighborhood. Texts by Boas Erez, Ludovica Molo, and Lorenzo Erroi.


New publication archi magazine

A series of images, created in collaboration with the architect Stefano Moor, has been published in the sixth issue of the Swiss architecture magazine Archi.


Non-Gasoline Stations

One image from the series South of no North is featured in a new group photo book edited by Artphilein Editions. Each image chosen for this publication by the artists interviewed makes up a mosaic, the unifying link of which is given by the common atmosphere of suspended time, of transience, of fading.


Near Talk at Biennale Immagine Chiasso

Igor Ponti is invited to the talk organized by Near, the Swiss association for contemporary photography, to discuss his new project South of no North. The talk will be moderated by the critic Elisa Rusca and the artist's Aline d'Aauria, Gian Paolo Minelli and Salvatore Vitale will also be present. The talk is organized in collaboration with the Cons Arc Gallery.

Tuesday, October 29

6.30 pm

Via Gruetli 1
6830 Chiasso


Swiss Radio Talks


Igor Ponti with the photographer Gian Paolo Minelli, the gallerist Guido Giudici and the journalist Monica Bonetti talks about photos and cities during the Bi10 Biennale dell'Immagine Chiasso.


New book, Foce

I am very proud to announce the publication of my latest project, Foce.

With the written contributions of Giovanna Masoni Brenni, Gian Franco Ragno and Oliver Scharpf.

The book is published by Fontana Edizioni.
